Summary of Harvesting Impact Monitoring 2022

During the period of 2021 CV Dipantara harvested timber products in several target KTHRs [farmers' group members] As the target of operation has been completed, monitoring the impact of harvest activities is made to see the level of the adverse impact that might have influenced to the plants' regeneration. Therefore activities of harvesting in community-managed forests is a low-impact activity.

Monitoring of the impact of felling is carried out once a month by directly observing the conditions around the area of ex-harvesting.

Logging locations include KTHR Handayani, KTHR Sedyo Eko Bakti, KTHR Suka Maju, KTHR Tani Makmur, KTHR Amrih Subur, KTHR Ngudi Raharjo, KTHR Sido Makmur, KTHR Concerned, KTHR Ngudi Results, KTHR Makmur, KTHR Ngudi Makmur, and KTHR Karya Muda . Monitoring includes conditions before and after logging. Before and after logging include soil conditions (density), location near water sources or cultural sites, whether or not there is erosion, presence of animals around the logging site, presence or absence of work accidents, and complaints from other parties due to logging. The monitoring executor is the Production Asman. From the results of monitoring the impact of logging that CV Dipantara had carried out, there were no results that were detrimental to all parties. All logging activities are in accordance with existing SOPs [Standard Procedures] and there was no evidence of a larger area of adverse impact from the logging activities.

Pada tahun 2021 CV Dipantara melakukan penebangan di beberapa KTHR binaan. Monitoring dampak tebangan dilakukan sebulan sekali dengan melihat langsung kondisi sekitar tebangan. Lokasi penebangan antara lain di KTHR Handayani, KTHR Sedyo Eko Bakti, KTHR Suka Maju, KTHR Tani Makmur, KTHR Amrih Subur, KTHR Ngudi Raharjo, KTHR Sido Makmur, KTHR Prihatin, KTHR Ngudi Hasil, KTHR Makmur, KTHR Ngudi Makmur dan KTHR Karya Muda. Monitoring meliputi kondisi sebelum dan sesudah tebangan. Kondisi sebelum dan setelah tebangan meliputi keadaan tanah (kepadatan), lokasi dekat sumber air atau situs budaya tidak, ada atau tidak ada erosi, adanya satwa di sekitar lokasi penebangan, ada atau tidak ada kecelakaan kerja serta keluhan dari pihak lain karena penebangan. Pelaksana monitoring yaitu Asman Produksi. Dari hasil monitoring dampak tebangan yang sudah dilakukan CV Dipantara, tidak menemukan hasil yang merugikan semua pihak. Semua kegiatan penebangan sudah sesuai dengan SOP yang ada dan tidak menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan sekitar.

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