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Community Forests Management

Forests for Community Welfare
Welcome to Dipantara 

Dipantara is an organization that deals with the community forestry. 

Control over forest areas by the state has led to imbalances in land tenure. This could be began from the historical background of Java's tenurial in the past. As an agricultural country, land in Indonesia was a major source of survival for peasant. In the concept of agrarian kingdom, the land belongs to the king. Anyone who had the right to cultivate the land, had the obligation of mandatory work to support the hegemony of the kingdom.
Production control in the context of community-based forests management is a series of procedures directed at all elements in the production processes, including material control, raw material arrangement for supplying,  production and performance quality standards, labor, monitoring and evaluation and other aspects to provide results at the effective cost but benefit for all.. 
Inequality in the control of production assets occurs between the people, the government, and Perhutani in Java.
Sharp inequality has sparked conflicts between land and forest management stakeholders in Java. Forest resources belonging to the common pool resource (CPR) require collective action from the government, community, private sector, NGOs and individuals so that the burden and responsibility are shared.
In order to achieve the goal of fair, sustainable and prosperous forest management, the government opens access to forest utilization by the community through a partnership scheme. Of course, these collaborative activities have an influence on aspects of sustainability such as ecological, social and economic aspects.
 Therefore collaborative management of forest resources on the island of Java is an exemplary success experience that forests resources are benefit for local community. This also reveals that there is an influence of collaborative management of forest resources on ecological, social and economic aspects.

Dipantara is a company engaged in community forest management with private/private forest wood commodities. Community forest management is inseparable from management, harvesting, transportation and marketing activities. So the K3 training is structured to provide Occupational Safety and Health knowledge to personnel involved in these activities so that they always work safely.


Dipantara implements

a “Policy for Association” FSC-POL-01-004 V3-0 that is aligned with the FSC mission and values and will not engage in the following unacceptable activities:

a. Illegal logging or illegal trade of forest products

b. Violation of adat or human rights in the forestry or forest products sector

c. Violations of workers' rights and principles are defined in the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work in the forestry or forest products sector.

d. High Conservation Value (HCV) destruction in forests or in High Conservation Value areas

e. Conversion of natural forest cover

f. Use of genetically engineered organisms in forestry operations for purposes other than research.

Seed Distribution for Farmers' group 

To achieve fair, professional and sustainable community forest management, towards an independent and prosperous community.


  • To develop and encourage research activities in community forests 
  • To develop a community forest management system that is sustainable based on internationally-recognized certification standard Principles and Criteria. 
  • To develop the potential of community forests by considering economic, ecological and socio-cultural aspects 
  • To develop and synergize the potential of communities and other potentials in community forest exploitation. 
  • To Improve community welfare in the District. Gunung Kidul, especially members of the Dipantara’s farmer groups.
Disclosure  1
As a small-scale company that is engaged in promoting sustainable community forests management, where social, economic, and environmental considerations are operationalized proportionally, Dipantara fully commits to carry out seriously implementing sustainable community forests management and in pursuant to international standards [Forest Stewardship Council® FSC-C137288]
Disclosure 2
As a small-scale company that is engaged in promoting sustainable community forests management, where social, economic, and environmental considerations are operationalized proportionally, Dipantara fully commits to carry out seriously implementing sustainable community forests management and in pursuant to international standards [Forest Stewardship Council® FSC-C137288]
Disclosure 3
Dipantara berkomitmen untuk tidak menerima suap atau bentuk korupsi lainnya serta mematuhi undang-undang korupsi yang ada dan menerapkan tindakan anti korupsi yang sepadan sesuai dengan skala dan intensitas kegiatan pengelolaan serta risiko korupsi. Hal ini mengacu pada ketentuan Prinsip Forest Stewardship Council® FSC-C137288 

 Dipantara is committed not to accept bribes or other forms of corruption and complying with existing corruption laws and implementing appropriate anti-corruption measures in accordance with the scale and intensity of management activities and the risk of corruption. This commitment refers to one of principle of Forest Stewardship Council® FSC-C137288