Reducing GHG Emissions through FOLU

The FOLU Net Sink 2030 program is one of the key policies to reduce Indonesia's GHG emissions in order to deal with the climate crisis. Its realization certainly requires multistakeholder collaboration and financial support.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explicitly acknowledge the interconnectedness of the prosperity of business, society, and the environment. They represent a fundamental shift in approach, naming all societal sectors as key development actors, and requiring an unprecedented level of cooperation and collaboration among civil society, business, government, NGOs, foundations, and others for their achievement

Environmental conditions such as drought, heavy precipitation, changes to average temperature, and soil moisture negatively impact the health of underground and overground assets, making them more vulnerable to risks. In the case of large-magnitude events such as wildfires, windstorms, and floods, infrastructure can be severely damaged or destroyed.

Regional quantification of the feasibility and effectiveness of forest strategies to mitigate climate change should integrate observations and mechanistic ecosystem process models with future climate, CO2, disturbances from fire, and management. 

To mobilize resources, it is necessary to have an approach for mobilization to finance the implementation of sustainable forest management activities through a green portfolio, to increase funding for the implementation of mitigation actions at the site level of the application of new technologies and capacity building.

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