FOLU and New Opportunity of Forest Management

Sustainable forest management has become an important part of the Forests and Other Land Use development. SFM is one form of management that refers to the current FOLU. FOLU is the government's commitment to reducing greenhouse gases in The Climate Change Mitigation Program.

Why does the Government need to commit?

Indonesia wishes to demonstrate its commitment to International Society and aims to convey multi-stakeholder initiatives. For example, the initiative of FOLU in East Kalimantan Province, by involving the provincial government, district government, villages, and communities in supporting GHG emission reduction through the implementation of REDD+.

Learning from the Glasgow meeting, it is important for nations to share experiences on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It was held to update and strengthen the targets of the Paris Agreement, where the agreement that was signed 6 (six) years ago was deemed not to have reached the set target of global warming limits, with negotiations at this event will focus on the target to be achieved by 2030.

What are the important lessons learned from FOLU activities in East Kalimantan?

There are still various challenges in implementing green growth and low-carbon development in any part of Indonesia and support is still required from various parties, including from the central government, and international society.

The role of Stakeholders is important to encourage FOLU to work effectively. The implementation of FOLU at the site level needs the support of various parties so that it will make it easier for the government to reduce greenhouse gases through this FOLU program. The emission reduction program has brought improvements, especially to the provincial forest and land management. This is believed will lead to a better life and commitment to this province level in the future.

Therefore the goals of the Workshop are as follows: (1) Introduce the FOLU program to a wider range of stakeholders (2) Promote an integrated FOLU program (3) Provide a new perspective on sustainable FORESTS management (4) Understand the limitations in implementing FOLU at the site level.

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