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While the Partnership’s model of collective action catalyzes immediate support, there are instances when countries’ requests for climate action go unanswered. The need for a flexible and fast mechanism to deploy support is evident. To meet this need, the NDC Partnership launched the Partnership Action Fund (PAF) at COP26. The PAF supports developing Country Members in fast-tracking the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by bridging gaps in support. These resources are deployed to supplement existing support or respond to unsupported requests only once members have responded with their own resources and programs. By pooling funds and making them more readily available, the PAF ensures countries have better access to technical and financial resources and the widest possible range of Partnership members can respond rapidly to the needs of developing Country Members.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
When are PAF resources deployed?
PAF resources are deployed in line with the NDC Partnership’s Country Engagement Strategy:
- The NDC Partnership receives requests for support from a Country Member and circulates the country support needs to the full membership.
- Members respond and the Partnership leverages its members’ available capacities, technical expertise, and resources to align support with country needs through existing programs or projects.
- When the Partnership needs to supplement support offerings from members, or address unsupported requests to meet a country’s needs, the country’s request will be considered for PAF support. All unsupported countries’ requests can be considered for PAF. During this process, the Partnership may reach out to governments to revise and prioritize those unsupported requests and consolidate a list of PAF’s eligible requests. Further details on how members can request resources are provided below.
How is support provided through PAF?
The PAF operates through two funding windows:
Window 1: Facilitation support
- Facilitation support provides resources to engage In-Country Facilitators, reporting directly to NDC Partnership Focal Points in Environment and Finance Ministries. The In-Country Facilitators provide support to coordinate, implement, track progress, and mobilize resources for NDC implementation.
Window 2: Technical assistance and scoping support
- Technical assistance support provides funding for urgent and/or strategic country needs that have not received member support. Scoping support allows Institutional or Associate Members to lead the initial engagement with a Country Member on behalf of the Partnership, including needs identification, preparation of the NDC Action Plan, and initial resource mobilization through the consolidation of support offers from Development and Implementing Partners. Thematic calls may also be issued periodically by the Support Unit of behalf of the Partnership, inviting countries to request support on specific topics identified as priorities by the Partnership’s Steering Committee.
Who is eligible to apply for PAF resources?
PAF resources are deployed to respond to country requests for support, but countries cannot apply for these resources directly. Instead, the resources are made available to Implementing Partners, who are the NDC Partnership Institutional and Associate Members, to deliver the requested support under the leadership of the NDC Partnership government Focal Points. PAF eligibility differs per funding window:
Window 1: Facilitation support
NDC Partnership developing Country Members can request facilitation support at any time. These requests are circulated to the full membership monthly, inviting fully funded offers of support in line with the Partnership’s Country Engagement Strategy. If no member responds, In-Country Facilitators will be hired through PAF.
For In-Country Facilitators to be hired through PAF, TORs will be advertised on a rolling basis on the NDC Partnership’s Job Openings & RFPs page for direct recruitment. Any external candidates, including current or former In-Country Facilitators, can apply for open positions posted through Window 1.
To apply, candidates are requested to submit a complete application package that includes a CV, cover letter, and daily remuneration expectation.
Window 2: Technical assistance and scoping support
The NDC Partnership developing Country Members can request technical assistance and scoping support from the NDC Partnership at any time. These requests are circulated to the full membership monthly, inviting funded offers of support in line with the Partnership’s Country Engagement Strategy. If no member responds, requests for support can then be considered for PAF.
The NDC Partnership Support Unit will work with developing Country Members to first revise and prioritize the unsupported requests and confirm which requests should be included in quarterly Call for Proposals (CFPs). The CFPs are circulated to all NDC Partnership Institutional and Associate Members.
Institutional and Associate Members of the NDC Partnership, who have completed the due diligence requirements with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and/or the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), are eligible to apply for PAF resources in response to the quarterly CFP issued through Window 2. Interested members can apply for grants to support one, several, or all requests listed in the CFP. For each request, members are required to submit a complete application package that includes a Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal.
All funding decisions, through Windows 1 and 2, are made through an evaluation committee responsible for reviewing the proposals received from Implementing Partners in response to country requests. Evaluation committees are formed at the country level and include Support Unit staff, and in some cases government Focal Points, the In-Country Facilitator, or external experts.
What information do Implementing Partners need to provide to enter into a PAF funding agreement?
A funding agreement will be established for all successful proposals received in response to the quarterly CFPs. The funding agreements are established between the Implementing Partner and the grant manager, either WRI or UNOPS. The proposals submitted by the Implementing Partner (technical and financial) will form the basis of the agreement’s scope of work and budget. To enter into a funding agreement with WRI or UNOPS, Implementing Partners are required to complete a due diligence process that includes completing the WRI’s Organizational Assessment (OA) or UNOPS’ Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA). This is renewed on an annual or periodical basis. To avoid delays in setting up the grant agreement, the OA or FCMA should be completed prior to responding the CFP.
The WRI’s OA guidance and the UNOPS’ FMCA form are available here.
What is the PAF governance structure?
The PAF governance builds on the NDC Partnership’s existing governance structure:
- The NDC Partnership Steering Committee serves as the governing and decision-making body for PAF.
- The PAF Advisory Group, comprised of all funders contributing to the PAF, provides insights and recommendations to the NDC Partnership Steering Committee.
- NDC Partnership Support Unit serves as PAF Secretariat and oversees the Fund’s day-to-day operations.
UNOPS and WRI serve as Grant Managers overseeing financial activities of the PAF with guidance from the NDC Partnership Support Unit. The Grant Managers receive and administer funder contributions, provide legal support, conduct and maintain financial due diligence assessments of PAF recipients, disburse funds, and conduct financial reporting of fund disbursement on a biannual basis for the Steering Committee. They also manage the liability linked to holding and disbursing funds and ensure there is no misappropriation of funds. In addition, the Grant Managers mitigate financial risk as a primary function and responsibility.
How is the PAF funded?
The PAF is a pooled-funding mechanism with contributions from multiple Development Partners, including: Belgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation), Denmark (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Germany (Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection), Netherlands (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Norway (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation), Sweden (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and the United Kingdom (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy).
How large is the PAF?
The PAF has a current capitalization of USD35.11 million until 2025. The PAF will remain operational as long as it remains useful to NDC Partnership members and has funding available.