RI Ombudsman Finds Potential of Maladministration Related to Forest Area Governance

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 ombudsmen ri

Mediatataruang.com – Results of the Systemic Study of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia on Thursday (6/1/2022) in the Abdurahman Wahid Room, RI Ombudsman Building, Jakarta, related to the Management and Supervision of Borrow-to-Use Forest Area Permits (IPPKH) or Approval for Use of Forest Areas and Supervision Integrative to (KLHK) Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Geospatial Information Agency, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Indonesian Ombudsman found two aspects of the findings and submitted a number of suggestions for improvement to five related institutions.

His party noted, based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of IPPKH issued increases every year, especially for additional and non-mining activities. Where in 2018 there were 49,235.50, 66,311.87 in 2019, 81,224.47 and 104,401.71 in 2021.

“The purpose and objective of this study is to obtain an explanation of the flow of the IPPKH/P2KH process from issuance to supervision of IPPKH/P2KH from the licensor, as well as the responsibilities of the P2KH holder’s obligations,” said Hery Susanto as Member of the Indonesian Ombudsman.

Hery explained that based on the results of the study, the findings of the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding IPPKH consisted of aspects of governance and supervision. In the aspect of governance, the Indonesian Ombudsman found at least 5 potential maladministration, namely; 1) protracted delay in IPPKH, 2) non-uniform requirements for requesting recommendations from regional governors regarding IPPKH, 3) lack of accessibility of information on IPPKH application processes and not optimal use of the Online Single Submission (OSS) IPPKH/P2KH system, 4) lack of dissemination of Thematic Geospatial information (IGT) Forestry related to IPPKH maps in the One Map Policy (KSO) and real-time information on IPPKH quotas and 5) incomplete socialization regarding changes to policies and technical procedures for new policies.

Meanwhile, in the aspect of supervision, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia found that there were inadequate budget allocations and potential results of non-independent supervision, limited human resources (HR) of supervisory officers, thus prolonging the area study procedure, and obstacles in implementing obligations, especially the rehabilitation of watersheds (DAS). .

“This happened because of several obstacles, namely the provision of rehabilitated land, the assessment period which was judged to be too short and the duties and authority of BPDASHL (Watershed Management Center and Protected Forest) were not optimal in monitoring,” said Hery.

Therefore, the Indonesian Ombudsman provides Suggestions for Improvements / Corrective Actions to 5 Ministries, as follows:

1.    To the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) and the Ministry of Investment / BKPM to intensively coordinate for:

  • Establish specific requirements, easy to understand and easy to implement in accordance with the applicable provisions of P2KH as outlined in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) at the Provincial level through DMPTSP
  • Harmonizing SOPs, especially regarding the service period related to technical considerations and area function studies in the context of integration and transformation of the licensing mechanism into the OSS system
  • Accelerate the process of transformation and integration of IPPKH/P2KH into the ISS which can be accessed transparently and easily by applicants
  • Accelerate the socialization stages related to technical P2KH services based on the newly appointed provisions and policies for implementers in the field

2.    To the Ministry of LHK and the Geospatial Information Agency, to coordinate intensively in accelerating the provision and dissemination of Thematic Geospatial Information (IGT) IPPKH Maps

3.    Kepada Kementerian LHK dan Kementerian Keuangan, untuk berkoodinasi secara intensif untuk menyediakan kembali alokasi dana dekonsentrasi yang memadai bagi Dinas Kehutanan

4.    Kepada Kementerian LHK dan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral untuk:

  • Melakukan evaluasi dan monitoring efektifitas pelaksanaan MoU/Nota Kesepakatan tentang Peningkatan Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Tugas Bidang Lingkungan dan Kehutanan dan Bidang Eenergi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral.
  • Menindaklanjuti MoU dengan membuat rencana kerja per bidang guna memperkuat koordinasi dan kolaborasi mengenai sharing data kewilayahan.

5.    Kepada Kementerian LHK untuk:

  • Memperjelas makna kalimatsumber dana lain yang tidak mengikat pada Pasal 415 ayat (2) dan 418 ayat (4) Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI Nomor 7 Tahun 2021
  • Menyusun rencana strategi dengan melakukan koordinasi dan rekonsiliasi serta permutakhiran data IPPKH/P2KH beserta kewajiban yang melekat di dalamnya
  • Meningkatkan kepatuhan pemegang IPPKH/P2KH untuk melaksanakan penanaman dalam rangka rehabilitasi DAS dengan optimasi tugas kewengan dan dimiliki BPDASHL.

Penyerahan hasil kajian sistemik ini dihadiri oleh Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Iklim Penanaman Modal Kementerian Investasi/BKPM Yuliot, Direktur Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan dan Tata Lingkungan Kementerian LHK Ruandha Agung Sugardiman, dan Direktur Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak Sumber Daya Alam dan Kekayaan Negara Dipisahkan Kementerian Keuangan Kurnia Chairi.  (*)

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